Everyone Wants a Data Catalog, but How Do You Ensure Successful Adoption?
  Kelle O'Neal   Kelle O'Neal
Founder and CEO
First San Francisco Partners


Tuesday, December 10, 2019
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM

Level:  Intermediate

According to Gartner, the demand for data catalogs is so pervasive that they have become “the new black.” As a category of metadata solutions, data catalogs provide information on the content and quality of distributed data sets and physical data assets, making it easier for users to find, understand, trust, and act on enterprise data. Data catalogs also provide necessary building blocks to carve a path toward self-service analytics, collaboration/crowdsourcing and the effective linking of information assets to improve decision-making and results.

As a critical information hub, the data catalog is where many of the artifacts of data governance activities can connect to the rest of the business. This tutorial will provide an in-depth exploration of the key role data governance plays in effective deployment and adoption of data catalogs, as well as critical success factors to ensure your organization realizes the full benefits of a data catalog investment.

Attendees will learn best practice tips and vetted approaches for:

  • Establishing a data catalog as the foundation of data governance efforts
  • Understanding the data catalog market and selecting the right tools/technology for your needs (and knowing which capabilities matter most early on)
  • Deploying a data catalog with the capability to scale
  • Operationalizing and driving ongoing adoption of the data catalog
  • Achieving clarity on integration differences between data catalogs and other types of metadata
  • Leveraging data catalogs to facilitate data governance
  • Implementing a process to curate and maintain quality and relevancy of data catalog content (metagovernance)

Kelle is the Founder and CEO of First San Francisco Partners (FSFP). She is a veteran industry leader, accomplished advisor, noted speaker, author, and trainer. Kelle is passionate about helping organizations realize the business value of data — and empowering them to derive insights that can improve operational efficiency and decision-making, generate new revenue, support sustainability, and mitigate risk and fraud.

Kelle’s strong background in customer relationship management, enterprise software, and systems integration uniquely positions her to excel in helping organizations of all sizes and complexities successfully execute on data governance, organizational change management, master data management, digital transformation, and other strategic initiatives. She developed her ability to work through organizational complexity, build consensus, and drive results in senior roles at companies that include U.S.-based firms GoldenGate Software, Siebel Systems, and Oracle. She also worked at the executive level in Europe and Asia. Under her leadership of FSFP, the firm’s client list has grown significantly over the years, as has its consulting and support teams. Kelle holds a B.A. from Duke University and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.